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Somalia Localization Strategy Fact Sheet

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Somalia/Somaliland

Save the Children Somalia is committed to advancing the localization agenda in Somalia to achieve meaningful, sustainable and inspiring breakthroughs for Somali children. In line with the localization policy of Save the Children and CO localization strategy 2022-2024. We are strongly committed to supporting Local and National Actors (L/NAs) – including children themselves, in driving the sustainable realization of children’s rights. We support for L/NAs’ direct access to resources and flexible funding. Our CSP 2022-2024 has specific objectives and commitments that CSOs are strengthened and mobilized for the advancement of child rights, under which we have set milestones to increase funding to national CSOs and governments, including overhead and administrative costs. We also target local and national partners directly with demand-driven knowledge transfer or capacity building. Working with national and local organizations means balancing our role as partners, enabling platforms where we will support national and local actors to better respond to children’s needs and promote their rights. We use the start Network framework of the seven dimensions of localization and SCI global localization policy to achieve and guide our localization ambitions

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