Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Case Studies and Success Stories

Somalia Governance Programs: Towards Realising Child Rights in Somalia

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Somalia/Somaliland

Save the Children is a leading organization promoting good governance to realize the rights of children and youth in Somalia. As a child rights organization – children, adolescents, youth and youth-led organizations are central in our work geared towards improving governance systems and governance processes.

Save the Children in Somalia leads multi-sectoral programs across Child Rights & Governance, Education, Child Protection, WASH, Health, Nutrition, Food Security and Livelihoods. Our
donor partners for this area of work include USAID/BHA, FCDO, EU, the UN, AL-THANI, GAC, WB, AfDB, FFO/BMZ, SIDA, DANIDA, NORAD, SDC, GPE, KfW, GAVI, among others.

Our work in Child Rights & Governance engages with relevant state and non-state actors including child and youth civic engagement; civil society strengthening; social accountability; budget advocacy, partnerships with adolescents, youth led and socially excluded organizations/networks and strengthening government capacity to enact relevant laws and policies.

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