
Small Hands, Heavy Burden: How the Syria conflict is driving more children into the workforce

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Save the Children,UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund

According to this new report, released by Save the Children and UNICEF, the continued conflict and humanitarian crisis in Syria are pushing an ever growing number of children into an often exploitative labour market.

The risk of a “lost generation” of Syrian children has reached critical proportions as children drop out of school to work and contribute to family livelihoods, putting their physical and psychological wellbeing at risk.

UNICEF and Save the Children call on partners, governments, civil society, the international community and members of the No Lost Generation Initiative to embark on a series of measures to address child labour inside Syria and in the host countries affected by the humanitarian crisis:

  • Improve access to livelihoods including through making more funding available for income-generating activities.
  • Provide quality and safe education for all children impacted by the crisis.
  • Prioritise ending the worst forms of child labour.
  • Invest in strengthening national and community based child protection systems and services.

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