Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

SEL in Education Programming

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English, Spanish,Arabic,French


(1.6 MiB)


Save the Children

The SEL in Education Programming technical guidance provides an introduction to SEL, and is the ‘go-to-guide’ for implementing SEL in education programmes. The SEL in Education Programming includes a definition of SEL, SEL Framework (endorsed by Save the Children) + a repository of additional frameworks, step-by-step guide for SEL programming with tips for contextualisation, SEL program matrix with examples of interventions, catalogue of existing programmatic approaches and technical resources, examples of SEL indicators and assessment tools and examples of existing online courses / professional development opportunities.

WHO is it for: technical education staff as the primary audience, and any other staff working on/supporting education as a secondary audience (such as MEAL, MHPSS, Child Protection etc.).

WHEN to use it: Whether you are yet to design and implement a SEL program or have already been trained on SEL and oversee SEL integration in your program, the SEL in Education Programming is your go-to guide to get you started or introduce SEL to others and go deeper.

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