
Seeking Asylum: Women’s experiences of home office decision making, destitution and mental health issues

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Baobab Women's Project,CARAG, Coventry Asylum and Refugee Action Group,Coventry Migrant Women's Houses,MEENA Centre for Women and Children,Refugee Rights Europe,Women with Hope

The report ‘Seeking Asylum’ was compiled in early 2019 by the Baobab Women’s Project, CARAG, Women with Hope, MEENA Centre for Women and Children, Coventry Migrant Women’s Houses, and Refugee Rights Europe. The report specifically highlights the shortcomings in the UK’s fulfillment of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

The research findings, which are centered on inadequate Home Office procedures, destitution, mental health, and violence, call for urgent redress by the UK Government. The authors argue that there is a moral and legal obligation to ensure that all women, irrespective of immigration status, can access the rights and freedoms set forth within international human rights law.

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