
The Scoping Mission Report: OpenEMIS Kosovo 2017

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English, Albanian


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Kosovo Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology,Save the Children Kosovo,Save the Children Sweden

The Scoping Mission, comprising of a Needs Assessment and Gap Analysis, was conducted with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (“The Ministry”), in collaboration with Save the Children Kosovo and Save the Children Sweden, from the 6th to the 10th of November in Pristina, The Republic of Kosovo. The methodology of the initial activity was to engage all key education stakeholders in mapping processes and needs, identifying gaps in the data collection processes, in order to support improved long-term planning in the education sector. The scoping mission will plan an approach to strengthening data collection tools and strengthen the education information system, with a special focus on children with disabilities.


Misioni i fushëveprimit, që përfshin Vlerësimin e nevojave dhe Analizën e hendeqeve, është kryer me Ministrinë e Arsimit, Shkencës dhe Teknologjisë (“Ministria”) dhe në bashkëpunim me Save the Children Kosovë dhe Save the Children Suedi, nga data 6 deri më 10 nëntor në Prishtinë, Republika e Kosovës.


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