Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

School Health and Nutrition Manual: A Guide for program planning and implementation in Bangladesh

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Save the Children

Save the Children’s School Health and Nutrition (SHN) program in Bangladesh has grown significantly over the past few years. These programs are developed in-line with international frameworks and evidence and adapted to the local context. Save the Children’s goal is to create a model program in the country which can be replicated and scaled up by partners. SHN addresses the key health and nutrition problems that prevent children from attending and learning to their full potential. SHN is one of four core programs supported with Save the Children’s sponsorship fund to improve the lives of children and their communities.

The purpose of this manual is to guide Save the Children School Health and Nutrition program staff, old and new staff alike, and implementing partners in Bangladesh on how to implement the SHN activities, setting out some basic programming standards.This manual is a reference point and should be followed and used by all relevant program staff and agreed partners, starting from program design and planning to implementation, monitoring and reporting of SHN programs in primary and pre-schools, and in the community.

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