Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Saving Newborn Lives: Champions toolkit (Second Edition)

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Save the Children

Save the Children’s Saving Newborn Lives (SNL) program has a long and successful history of collaborating with newborn health champions to advocate for robust policies and programs to reduce global neonatal mortality. SNL and pediatricians, midwives, members of parliament, ministers of health, journalists, celebrities, and many other champions have worked together over the years to increase the availability of and access to routine and emergency newborn care services and supplies, improve the quality of newborn care services, and increase knowledge about and demand for newborn care, all in the interest of giving newborns the greatest chance to begin their lives healthy and strong. 

The toolkit provides guidance and a set of practical tools to help country office staff and others strategically partner with champions for maximum impact. While working with champions is one of SNL’s many strategies, it is an important one and critical for raising the profile of the issue of newborn health.

This is the second edition of the Champions Toolkit, you may find the first edition here.

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