
Save the Children Documentary: Girls on the Move in Sweden and Europe

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Save the Children Sweden

20 million girls are on the move around the world – listen to three of those who made it to Europe.
Here they live in uncertainty about the future and share the feeling that the escape never seems to end.

When Melli was 15, she escaped a forced marriage in Iran and set out alone on a risky journey that took her across the Mediterranean sea to Sweden. She is now 21 years old and will soon finish high school and works in healthcare, but still doesn’t know if she can stay.

15-year-old Arezo and her family from Afghanistan have been rejected and now she lives every day with the fear that the police will knock on the door.

For 14-year-old Naba from Syria, the flight from the war ended in a center in Bosnia. Here she lives a trapped life but still carries the dream of one day being able to feel free.

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