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Save the Children Burkina Faso,Save the Children International
In early April 2020, to halt the spread of COVID-19, an estimated 1.6 billion learners globally – 91% of the total – were out of school. For the first time in human history, an entire generation of children globally have had their education disrupted. This emergency comes on top of an existing learning crisis. UNESCO’s most recent projections for Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) – a good quality education for every child – are dire: they predict almost no progress on reducing the number of children who are out of school by 2030. This equates to millions of children not going to school and not learning. And a generation of children consigned to poorer life chances.
Since 2019, Burkina Faso has faced recurrent and growing attacks by armed groups. The education system has been targeted by armed groups: teachers have been assaulted and killed, and schools and educational resources have been destroyed. Weak health systems, inadequate infrastructure, and limited access to basic social services make Burkina Faso highly vulnerable to a cross-country epidemic, with children especially at risk.
This advocacy briefing highlights the impact of COVID-19 and attacks on education on children’s learning in Burkina Faso, and provides recommendations for how the Government of Burkina Faso, together with donors and multi-lateral institutions can protect a generation and ensure that education is at the heart of response and recovery plans.
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