Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Save the Children’s Literacy Boost Toolkit: Introduction

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Save the Children US

Literacy Boost is an innovative, evidence-based approach to improving literacy learning outcomes, and is increasing the reading skills of underperforming children in a growing number of program sites across the globe. This introductory document is designed to provide an overview of Literacy Boost prior to an in-depth reading of the three-part Literacy Boost Toolkit. The toolkit is a useful resource to assist country offices in the design and implementation of effective reading-focused basic education programs targeting pre-school and primary school-age children. This document will provide you with a detailed introduction to the three essential components of the Literacy Boost program:

  1. Reading Assessment – to identify gaps and measure improvements in the five core reading skills;
  2. Teacher training – to teach national curriculum with an emphasis on core reading skills; and
  3. Community action – mobilizing communities to support children’s reading.

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