Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Save the Children’s Literacy Boost Results – Mozambique

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Save the Children US

In 2008, Save the Children launched the Early Literacy Project in Mozambique, to help 7,800 preschool and primary school-age children, including children affected by HIV/AIDS and other vulnerabilities, develop sound early literacy skills. This project randomly assigned the intervention to 30 communities and 10 geographically close primary schools, having for each a control community of similar population size. The program provided teacher training, community mobilization and reading promotion activities to foster systemic and high-quality early literacy instruction in Portuguese, the language of instruction. Additional activities included creating and distributing materials to support literacy instruction.
This briefer reviews the impact results from the first year of the implementation of Literacy Boost in Mozambique.

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