Policies, Standards, and Strategies

Save the Children’s Global Strategy: Ambition for Children 2030 and 2016-2018 Strategic Plan

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Save the Children

Save the Children has a new global strategy – ‘Ambition for Children 2030’. Our mission is as urgent and relevant as ever: more children are surviving and thriving than ever before, but millions of children are denied their most basic rights and unable to fulfil their potential.

We will inspire three specific breakthroughs for children by 2030:

  • SURVIVE: No child dies from preventable causes before their fifth birthday
  • LEARN: All children learn from a quality basic education
  • BE PROTECTED: Violence against children is no longer tolerated

To ensure that all children survive, learn and are protected, we will focus on reaching the most deprived and marginalised children,who are too often excluded due to poverty, geography, gender, ethnicity or disability.We will do whatever it takes to ensure we leave no child behind. This will be the measure of our success.

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