Policies, Standards, and Strategies

Save the Children’s Global Response Plan to COVID-19: Protecting a generation of children

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Save the Children International

Unprecedented in scale, COVID-19 is a global crisis that poses immediate threats to children’s rights to survival, development, learning, protection, and to be heard. Unless mitigated, the pandemic risks undermining progress made on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and puts an entire generation of children at risk of not fulfilling their potential. Urgent action is required now to safeguard children’s rights by ensuring that children and their families can access services and protection throughout the pandemic and to strengthen national systems to prepare, adapt and respond to the evolving needs of children

We launched Protect a Generation, our global response to the COVID-19 crisis, to act quickly to prevent, mitigate and respond to the devastating impact of the pandemic. Our response has four priorities underpinned by our global commitment to quality, accountability, and partnership:

  • Mitigate the impact of the pandemic on child survival
  • Help children learn, stay safe, and return to school
  • Support family survival and food security through safety nets
  • Keep children, families, and communities safe.

Learn more about Save the Children’s response plan within the document.

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