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Save the Children
In 2009, Save the Children launched the Global Child Protection Initiative (CPI) to strengthen children’s right to be protected from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. By 2015, Save the Children aims to have improved the lives of 21 million children through preventative and remedial child protection measures and to have invested US$ 250 million to support child protection programmes.
This paper sets out Save the Children’s child protection strategy over the next three years, the changes that Save the Children expects to see in the protection of children by 2015 and how the strategy will be delivered across its theory of change. It offers details for each of the four priority areas of the strategy: (i) Children Without Appropriate Care; (ii) Child Protection in Emergencies; (iii) Physical and Humiliating Punishment; and (iv) Children and Work, including goals and objectives relating to identified subthemes.
Save the Children will continue its work on improving the quality and increase the scale of its child protection programmes and calls on everyone – all of Save the Children’s members and country offices – to engage and invest in child protection to end all forms of violence against children.
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