Teaching Resources

Save the Children’s Advocacy and Campaigning Course

Publication year:




Save the Children

Welcome to Save the Children’s ‘Advocacy and Campaigns’ course. Advocacy and campaigning is a key part of how Save the Children delivers change for children and is a central part of our Theory of Change. This course will introduce you to how Save the Children campaigns and advocates for breakthroughs in the way the world treats children.

It has been written by Save the Children staff with strong experience of delivering advocacy and campaigns in different contexts around the world in partnership with The Open University who have helped us produce the best possible learning experience.

The course has been developed for staff around the world whether they work full time on advocacy and campaigns or whether it is one aspect of their work. It is open to the public via The Open University and partners. Save the Children staff are requested to complete the training on OneNet (log-in required). 

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