Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Save the Children Commitments to Generation Equality: Ending child marriage and ensuring accountability to girls

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Save the Children

More than 25 years since the Beijing Declaration first recognized the girl child as vital to the attainment of equality, sustainable development, and peace, girls worldwide, in all their diversity, continue to face rights abuses that stand in the way of achieving their full potential. At the same time as the ongoing COVID-19 crisis continues to threaten girls’ rights, the Generation Equality process is establishing a Global Acceleration Plan for Gender Equality. Its success requires champions for women and girls’ rights to make commitments to support action for progress. Save the Children is joining the Generation Equality process as a commitment maker under the Gender-Based Violence Action Coalition. This brief outlines Save the Children’s commitments—including specific efforts to end child marriage and respond to its consequences and to ensure girls can meaningfully participate in accountability processes—and how Save the Children will implement these commitments movement-wide. 

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