Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Save the Children Brief: Violence against children is no longer tolerated

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Save the Children

Save the Children believes that children have a right to live a life without violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect, and in 2015 it is unacceptable that violence against children still takes place. We know that violence against children is a reality that children experience every day and everywhere. We also know that it can be prevented.

This brief shows how Save the Children is making a difference in the lives of children worldwide through our work to protect children from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation and by promoting a safe family environment. Save the Children has an ambitious child protection breakthrough for 2030 which will change the way the world treats children and help us – in partnership with others – to achieve immediate and lasting change in theirlives and our ambition that Violence against children is no longer tolerated.

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