Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Safe Schools 2.0 Action Pack 0: Getting Started + Workbook

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Save the Children International

Action Pack 0: Getting Started is the mandatory starting place for all Safe Schools programming. It helps gather the initial information necessary to select and sequence the components of the Safe Schools Common Approach. The action pack’s guidance and tools include:

  • Reviewing child safeguarding practices and protocols,
  • Consulting with stakeholders on barriers to safe education and what is being done currently to address them,
  • Reviewing literature such as the Child Rights Situation Analysis,
  • Comparing information and identifying inconsistencies and gaps, and
  • Analysing through secondary data the nature, scope and scale of hazards, risks and violence experienced by children in and around school that may interfere with their safety as well as their ability to learn.
Action Pack 0: Workbook contains the tools for the steps in the Action Pack 0: Getting Started. It is a menu of steps and tools from which staff can select according to their project parameters and contextual needs. This pack contains minimal measurement content, instead relies on knowledge and data that already exist, such as the Child Rights Situational Analysis and knowledge of the staff already engaged in this type of programming. The measurement tools for baseline, situational assessments, and monitoring are found in each of the Action Packs.
These two resources and other resources mentioned within AP0 can be found below. If you have any feedback or needs for support in how to use this Action Pack, please contact the Safe Schools helpdesk.

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