Safe Schools 2.0 Action Pack 2: Safe School Management thumbnail
Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Study: Assessments

Safe Schools 2.0 Action Pack 2: Safe School Management

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English, French,Spanish,Portuguese,Arabic


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Save the Children International

Safe Schools Action Pack 2 provides Save the Children staff and partners with tools and activities to engage school managem​​​​​ent in a participatory manner to support the integration of safety and protection into school-based management. By implementing this Action Pack, we will improve the safety and protection of children in and around the schools in which we are working through enquiry- based learning, which in turn will provide concrete inputs into existing Scho​​​ol Improvement Plans. In addition, successful work at the school level will support advocacy efforts to replicate and scale-up the approach through national policies and systems in (support of Action Pack 1 activities).​

You can find Action Pack 2 and all associated links below. If you have any feedback or needs for support in how to use this Action Pack, please contact the Safe Schools helpdesk.

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