Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Rubrics 11: A Toolkit to Address Child Discrimination and Exclusion

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Save the Children International

Sponsorship’s new rubric-enhanced MEAL system, piloted in El Salvador, Zambia, and the Philippines, provides a nuanced way of capturing important, intangible outcomes such as children’s experiences of inequality and discrimination, equitable family environments, and empowered communities creating change for and in collaboration with children.

A Rubric, or a global assessment scale, is a framework that sets out criteria for performance, and describes what makes poor, good and excellent performance using different levels. When applied correctly, can help shift power to communities for design and evaluation because they describe lived reality, as a progression from the current to the aspirational state, rather than representing it with abstract indicators.

This toolkit includes 7 documents and focus on Rubrics 11, Children are included and living free from discrimination.

You can find the 1) Evidence Interpretation Guide, 2) Facilitator’s Guide for Focus Group Discussions for Community Leaders, Children, Parents and Caregivers, Youth and 3) Interviewers’ Guide for Key Informant Interviews.

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