
For the Rights of All Children – Children’s Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child – Mongolia

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Child for Child,Save the Children Japan,WVI, World Vision International

The report was written with the participation of 108 children between ages of 11-18 and 3,285 children were involved in the surveys. Children from different areas in Mongolia met in Ulaanbaatar city as representatives of the children of Mongolia to discuss how children’s rights are being implemented in Mongolia. They brought documented examples of violations of rights and developed solutions for the problems themselves. The children from the capital and in all four regions of Mongolia, discussed topics of education, culture, leisure, health, social welfare, family environment, care, civil rights and freedoms and working children.

This report includes information on violations of the rights of children through interviews and focus groups together with the ideas the children brought about to solve these issues. In addition, three types of questionnaires were used to survey students from the 7th and 10th grades at schools, children residing in dormitories, children studying at life-long education centres and disciples of monasteries. The data from the surveys was analysed for final conclusions by children. The survey of the fulfilment of children’s rights in family environments was given to 1,198 children, the survey of implementation of children’s rights at schools was given to 1,893 children, and the survey of children’s rights in dormitories, shelters and monasteries was given to 194 children. All these surveys have been reviewed and conclusions developed to paint a clear and concise picture of the main issues of child rights in the country.

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