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EENET, Enabling Education Network,Save the Children Norway
This series of reports document the findings, analysis and recommendations of a review of Save Children’s support to promote the rights of children with disabilities commissioned by Save the Children Norway (SCN) and carried out by a consultancy team from Enabling Education Network (EENET). The review sought to map and analyse Save the Children’s (SC) experience, knowledge and capacity regarding the promotion of the rights of children with disabilities, and make pertinent recommendations. The review’s timing coincides with new strategic commitments from SCN and SC International (SCI) regarding children with disabilities. It also comes at a time when new international commitments, via the Sustainable Development Goals, are being drawn up. Globally there are strong calls for the rights and needs of children and adults with disabilities to be more effectively incorporated than was the case with the previous Millennium Development Goals.
The review process included a literature review, key informant interviews, an online survey and field visits to three case study countries (Nepal, Somaliland and Zimbabwe). The consultants gathered information about the current situation in SC (primarily SCN and the programmes it supports) relating to the promotion of the rights of children with disabilities.
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