Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Return to Learning Advocacy Training Module

Publication year:


English, Arabic,French,Spanish


(824.3 KiB)


Save the Children,Save the Children US

The Return to Learning initiative (RTL) combines education in emergencies programming and national and global-level advocacy in order to make good on the Global Compact on Refugees’ commitment to getting refugee children back to learning within three months of arrival in a host country. As part of RTL, this advocacy training module is designed to teach participants about the basics of advocacy and to develop an advocacy strategy and messaging. The training is accessible for all experience levels, including those with no advocacy experience, and each participant will leave the training with a draft advocacy strategy. The training should take 6-7 hours and we recommend presenting it in two parts. The module was created with refugee education advocacy in mind but any advocacy issue can be inserted as the focus. The full module, including worksheets, pre-training questionnaire and facilitator notes, is available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

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