Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources

Resource Manual on Flash Flood Risk Management: Module 1: Community-based Management

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ICIMOD, The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development

Frequent flash floods in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan region pose a severe threat to life, livelihoods and infrastructure, both within the mountains and downstream. Vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities, the poor, women and children, are the worst hit. This manual aims to help communities build their capacity to manage flash floods and other disaster risks themselves. This module, concentrating on community-based management, is written for community-based organisations working in flash flood management, community workers, local government and non-governmental organisations working at community level.
The manual argues that community flash flood risk management committee are central to a community being able to manage risk in a concerted and participatory manner. It outlines important considerations such as gender and disability issues in flash flood management and ensuring local knowledge is incorporated during planning for mitigation strategies.
The manual covers important aspects of flash flood risk management including: Watershed management; Preparedness; Response during flash floods; and Post-disaster measure

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