Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Reproductive Health in Emergencies Toolkit: Research, Monitoring & Evaluation

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Save the Children US

Monitoring and evaluation is key to collect and analyze information on key indicators relevant to the quality and implementation of the program.  Information gathered and data collected should be used to make decisions at a health facility level, health district level, and program management level. Evidence should feed into national-level (or coordination level) policy and global learning.

Over the past 10 years, Save the Children has routinely produced quality data within our programs to ensure that we provide quality reproductive health services that meet the needs of women, adolescents, and marginalized groups. To ensure the quality of services delivered, we routinely collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data and will build in time to adapt and adjust program models to incorporate those learnings. We collect and analyze age-disaggregated health facility data on a monthly basis, while conducting annual client exit interviews and register reviews. Through quarterly data review meetings and development of action plans, we ensure that we are meeting the specific needs of broad and diverse populations.

The resources in this section are curated for monitoring and evaluation practitioners and are organized into the following categories:




Client Exit Interviews

  • CEI Tool (English): This interview guide is for conducting client exit interviews in 5-10 minutes with family planning clients to assess their perception of the services they received at the health faiclity. It is based off of tools from USAID BASICS and PopCouncil.
  • CEI Training (English | Arabic | French): This presentation is used for training staff and researchers on conducing client exit interviews in humanitarian settings. This particular presentation is tailored to different settings (for example, the English version was used in Somalia), but it can be adapted for use in any setting and used in conjunction with the other CEI tools.
  • CEI Findings (English): This brief is an example of an effective summary of client exit interview findings, describing the purpose, methods and results.
  • CEI Kobo Tool Grid (English | Arabic | French | Spanish | Urdu | Somali): This client exit interview template is meant for use with Kobo, but is generalizable to any family planning programs. It is adapted from a USAID BASICS and Population Council Tool.
  • CEI Protocol (French): This protocol (in French) was used for a client exit interview in the DRC.



Focus Group Discussions

  • FDG Tools (Egypt) (English | Arabic): These tools, including interview guides, inclusion criteria and a protocol, were developed to conduct focus group discussions among refugees in Egypt. The tools are in both Arabic and English.
  • FDG Tools (Somalia) (English): These tools, including interview guides, inclusion criteria and a protocol, were developed to conduct focus group discussions in Somalia.
  • FGD Training (DRC) (English): This presentation is used to train facilitators of focus group discussions, including study protocols, ethics, informed consent, and facilitation techniques.
  • FGD Training (Egypt) (English): This presentation is used to train facilitators of focus group discussions, including study protocols, ethics, informed consent, and facilitation techniques.
  • FGD Training (Somalia) (English): This presentation is used to train facilitators of focus group discussions, including study protocols, ethics, informed consent, and facilitation techniques.
  • Protocol FGD and In-Depth Interview (Somalia) (English): This protocol was developed for focus group discussions and in-depth interview in Somalia to help inform Save the Children Puntland’s programmatic strategies in the provision of family planning and PAC services at the community level.
  • Qualitative Study Findings (Egypt) (English): This report summarizes the findings of a qualitative study undertaking in Egypt to assess perceptions and use of family planning and postabortion care services among refugees in greater Cairo.



Register Reviews

  • Register Review Data Collection Training Guide (French): This guide explains how to conduct a register review (in French).
  • Register Reviews (Somalia) (English): This brief is an example of an effective summary of a register review findings, describing the purpose, methods and results.



Training Site Assessment

  • Training Site Assessment Questions (English | French): This set of questions is for use by program teams to help identify appropriate training locations and facilities.



Health Facility Assessment

  • HFA Tools (English | French | Spanish): This collection of tools is used to conduct a health facility assessment to determine readiness to provide family planning, postabortion care and emergency obstetric care services.
  • HFA Training (English): This training module equips program staff with the skills and resources to conduct health facility assessments.
  • HFA KoboTool Grid (English): Kobo template for health facility assessment.
  • RHiE Indicator List (English): This speadsheet includes roughly 100 indicators for reproductive health programs in humanitarian settings. It includes possible disaggregations for each along with data sources.



Health Facility Tools

  • Client Card and Medical Record Template (English)These tools are used by family planning users and health providers to track childbirth, family planning use, visits to health facilities and other health data.
  • FP Client Card Archiving and Follow-up Box (English): The set of tools is use to create a filing system designed to track whether women show up on time for their Family Planning appointments. It can be used to follow-up with women who do not attend their next appointment as well as for data collection and clinic management purposes.
  • FP Continuation and Consent Log (English | Arabic | Somali): This tool is used at health facilities to track clients who do not return to health facility for their FP follow-up appointment and ensure consent for follow-up.
  • FP Register (English | Arabic | French | Somali): This tool is meant for use at family planning clinics to record client information and help monitor use of family planning. The Excel spreadsheet can be adapted to suit the needs of a particular program or facility.
  • Health Facility Supervision Checklist (English | Arabic | French | Somali): This tool is meant to aid supervisors in supportive supervision visits to facilities.  The questions are a starting point for discussions with providers on areas which are going well and areas that need improvement.
  • LARC Removal Log (English | Arabic | French | Somali): This tool is for health providers and facilities to track the removal of long-acting contraceptive methods and relevant data for program monitoring related to long-acting methods.
  • Monthly Facility Summary Sheet (English | Arabic | French | Spanish | Somali): This reporting tool allows health facilities to consistently report data on new family planning clients, long-acting method removals, postabortion care services, emergency obstetric and newborn care, and stock consumption. It is tailored to Save the Children’s data needs but can be adapted by any facility or program. See RHIE Indicators in this toolkit for more examples of indicators a facility or program could collect.
  • PAC Register (English | Arabic | French | Somali): This tool is meant for use at health facilities to record client information and help monitor uptake of postabortion care services. The Excel spreadsheet can be adapted to suit the needs of a particular program or facility.



Training Packages

  • Data for Action (English): These learning modules aim to provide clinicians, supervisors, and program managers with the skills needed to collect and use data to improve reproductive health services and programs.
  • M&E Start-up Training (English | Arabic | French | Somali): These training modules provide program staff with a basic understanding of how to establish and use data systems to monitor and improve programs.
  • Reproductive Health in Emergencies Tablet-Based Supervision System to Improve Competency of Health Care Providers (English): This brief documents Save the Children’s approach to create individualized training paths for service providers through the use of a tablet-based supervision tool and the roll out of the tool in DRC, Egypt, Niger, Pakistan, Rwanda, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen.



Provider Follow Up

  • Clinical Training Report Template (English | French): This template is used to report on clinical training.
  • Provider Logbook (English | French | Arabic): This tool is for health providers to use during supportive supervision to track procedures they conduct either supervised or unsupervised.
  • Provider Supervision Checklists (English | Arabic | French | Spanish | Urdu | Somali): This set of checklists is for use with health providers at facilities during training and supportive supervision to ensure providers are performing steps or tasks according to standard procedure or guidelines.
  • Supportive Supervision Calendar (English | Arabic): This sample supervision calendar is used by supervisors to track supportive supervision visits at health facilities under their purview.

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