Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Reproductive Health in Emergencies Toolkit: Logistics and Pharmacy

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Save the Children US

Logisticians and pharmacists are key ​​to guarantee uninterrupted supply of adequate FP commodities and supplies to ass​​ure quality provision of comprehensive services.​

In order to ensure our programs have the supplies and commodities necessary to deliver quality services, we have integrated reproductive health commodities into our global supply chain management efforts, trained service providers and pharmacists to ensure they have the necessary knowledge and skills to manage stocks, and procured commodities in line with national and global standards.

The resources in this section are curated for logisticians and pharmacists and are organized into the following categories:


Reproductive Health Commodities

  • List of Family Planning and PAC Commodities (English): This document lists the different commodities needed at a health facility, including equipment and consumbles, in order to provide quality family planning and postabortion care programs.

Tools for Stock Management

  • Bin Card (English | French): This bin card is a tool for pharmacies to track specific commodities within a pharmacy. It is tailored to Save the Children’s needs, but the Excel spreadsheet can be adapted by any pharmacy or organization to suit their needs.
  • Prescription Board (English): This prescription record is for use at pharmacies and health facilities to track the dispensing of medicines.
  • Stock Card (English | French): This stock card is a tool for pharmacies to track stock of medicines. It is specific to Save the Children, but the Excel spreadsheet can be adapted for use by any pharmacy or organization to meet their needs.


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