Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Reproductive Health in Emergencies Toolkit: Clinical Supervision and Training

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Save the Children US

Clinical trainers and supervisors play a key role to ensure high-performing service providers have the appropriate knowledge, skills, and motivation in order to deliver quality reproductive health services and neutral counseling.

Save the Children’s blended learning strategy utilizes five approaches: e-learning, webinars, face-to-face training, coaching/mentoring from specialists, and sharing of information and lessons learned from field programs. We have designed four training packages that are tailored to the background (health, non-health staff), and role/function (logistics, fundraising, human resources, health, etc.). Our capacity strengthening targets technical and operational staff at member office headquarters, regional staff, and country office staff as well as local partners and ministries of health.

The resources in this section are curated for clinical supervisors and trainers and are organized into the following categories:




Clinical Capacity Building Approach

  • Guidelines for Quality Clinical Training (English): All clinical training should be competency-based. Competency-based training is learning by doing. It focuses on the specific knowledge, attitude, and skills that are needed to carry out a procedure, task, or activity. In competency-based training, clinical skills are developed in the classroom, in a simulated setting, using role plays and an anatomical model, and finally, the trainee comes in contact with an actual patient in a clinical setting. This document outlines Save the Children’s guidelines for ensuring quality in clinical training related to family planning and postabortion care in humanitarian settings.
  • Guidelines for Quality Supportive Supervision​ (English): Supportive supervision is a process of guiding, helping, training, and encouraging staff to improve their performance continuously in order to provide high-quality health services. This document provides guidelines for ensuring quality in support supervision efforts.
  • SP Clinical Capacity Building ​Presentation (English): This presentation outlines Save the Children’s Reproductive Health in Emergencies Initiative’s approach to capacity building for health service providers.



Clinical Training Packages and Tools

  • Clinical Management of Rape (CMR) Training Package​​​ (English): This set of training materials prepare service providers to provide quality services to survivors of rape and sexual violence.
  • Clinical Training Report Template ​(EnglishFrench): This template is used to report on clinical training.
  • Level 2 Counselling for Adolescents ​​(English): This curriculum for health care providers focuses on contraceptive counseling for adolescents and includes a presentation, handouts, and a session outline that can be adapted as necessary.



Supportive Supervision Packages and Tools

  • Supportive Supervision Calendar ​​(EnglishArabic)This sample supervision calendar is used by supervisors to track supportive supervision visits at health facilities under their purview.
  • Supportive Supervision Training Package ​​(EnglishArabic | French): This set of training modules trains supervisors on supportive supervision techniques using appropriate tools to improve or maintain quality family planning and postabortion care services.
  • Reproductive Health in Emergencies Tablet-Based Supervision System to Improve Competency of Health Care Providers (English): This brief documents Save the Children’s approach to create individualized training paths for service providers through the use of tablet-based supervision tool and the roll-out of the tool in DRC, Egypt, Niger, Pakistan, Rwanda, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen.



Assessment and Follow Up Tools

  • Health Facility Checklist (English | Arabic | French | Somali): This tool is meant to aid supervisors in supportive supervision visits to facilities for family planning and postabortion care. The questions are a starting point for discussions with providers on areas that are going well versus those needing improvement.
  • Checklist and Knowledge Test on Postabortion Care (English | Arabic | French | UrduSomali): This set of family planning checklists is for use with health providers at facilities during training and supportive supervision to ensure providers are performing steps or tasks according to standard procedures or guidelines.
  • Checklist and Knowledge Test on Postabortion Care (English | Arabic | French | Urdu |Somali): This set of postabortion care checklists is for use with health providers at facilities during training and supportive supervision to ensure providers are performing steps or tasks according to standard procedure or guidelines.
  • Checklists and Knowledge Test on Postpartum Family Planning (English | Arabic | French | Urdu | Somali): This set of postpartum family planning checklists is for use with health providers at facilities during training and supportive supervision to ensure providers are performing steps or tasks according to standard procedures or guidelines.
  • Checklist and Knowledge Test on Specific Clients (English): This set of checklists for specific types of clients to be used by health providers at facilities during training and supportive supervision to ensure providers are performing steps or tasks according to standard procedures or guidelines.
  •  Provider Logbook (English | French | Arabic): This tool is for health providers to use during supportive supervision to track procedures they conduct either supervised or unsupervised.
  • Training Site Assessment Questions (English | French): This set of questions is for use by program teams to help identify appropriate training locations and facilities.

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