Ready to Learn IDELA Endline Study in Westnile and Karamoja thumbnail
Study: Evaluations

Ready to Learn IDELA Endline Study in Westnile and Karamoja

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Uganda

IDELA endline study aimed to assess the impact and effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving early childhood development outcomes. Specifically, the study aimed to evaluate the progress made in enhancing children’s developmental milestones and school readiness skills as a result of the implemented interventions. By conducting an endline assessment, the study aimed to measure changes in children’s cognitive, social-emotional, language, and physical development over time. Additionally, it aimed to identify areas of success and areas needing improvement in the interventions, providing valuable insights for future programmatic efforts. The endline study served as a crucial evaluation tool to determine the overall effectiveness and sustainability of the interventions implemented under the ready to learn project.

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