Study: Evaluations

Reaching Adolescents with Culturally-appropriate Life Skills and Sexual and Reproductive Health Education: End of project evaluation summary brief

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Center on Gender Equity and Health at the University of California San Diego,GRADE Africa,Save the Children

The Adolescent in Transition in West Africa (ATWA) program aimed to improve sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender equality knowledge, intent, and behaviors among adolescents in Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso. This brochure provides information about the findings of three research studies; a qualitative participatory research during the program inception phase, a repeated cross-sectional outcome evaluation study, and a longitudinal outcome evaluation study in the subsequent implementation year of the program.
Across both years, ATWA’s outcome evaluation findings showed many significant improvements in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)-related knowledge and attitudes among both very young (10-14 years) and older adolescents (15-19 years). Findings demonstrate that participation in ATWA’s school- and community-based intervention was associated with adolescents being more likely to:

• have accurate knowledge about puberty, menstruation, and STI/HIV prevention and treatment,

• know where to seek SRH services,

• plan on using modern contraception in the future,

• agree with statements reflecting their confidence in being able to handle SRH-related issues (e.g., practicing safe sex, refusing unwanted sexual attention, and asking questions about puberty to a trusted adult),

• have self-efficacy in being able to refuse an unwanted early marriage,

• agree that gender-based violence was unacceptable, and • hold gender equitable attitudes. The addition of peer education further strengthened ATWA’s impact on SRHR knowledge and attitudes.
ATWA responded to the need for culturally-adapted SRH education in Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso. It is an evidence-based program that improved adolescents’ SRHR knowledge and attitudes, both critical pathways to positive SRHR outcomes across the life course.

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