Treaties, Laws and Resolutions

Ratification of The Third Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure (OP3CRC): Draft letter from NGOs to Ministries of Foreign Affairs/Justice

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The UN General Assembly took a landmark step for children’s rights as it adopted the new Optional Protocol on 19 December 2011 and finalised the adoption process of this new treaty at the UN level. An official signing ceremony was held on 28 February 2012 where States were able to sign and ratify the new Protocol. The new Protocol needs to be ratified by ten States before it can enter into force and used. Because the ratification process varies across countries and can in some cases take many years to be completed, it is of utmost importance to urge States to sign and begin the process now. This is to encourage NGOs to send a letter asking the State to sign and ratify the OP3CRC. To facilitate this, a sample letter is included that may be adapted to suit the context of your particular State.The letter should be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Justice, or their equivalents, and to the Ministry or contact for issues related to the CRC. This letter could also serve as a starting point for your national coalition or other civil society groups working together to send a joint message of support for the OP3CRC. The NGOs members of the NGO Group Working Group on the OPCRC remain dedicated to making sure that the Protocol is a practical reality for all children and are committed to the campaigning work for the widespread ratification and effective implementation of the OP3CRC.

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