Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

The Quality Pre-school Package

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Save the Children

The early years of life constitute a critical period during which foundational skills become established. Offering quality early childhood care and development (ECCD) experiences provides young children with the opportunity to develop initial linguistic, cognitive, social-emotional, and motor skills, which help build the foundation for later skill acquisition. A central aim of Save the Children’s ECCD programs is to ensure that children aged three to six years have access to one or preferably two years of high-quality early learning environments prior to formal school entry. 

Preschool programs are at the core of Save the Children’s ECCD portfolio, with over 75 countries currently implementing early education programs. The Quality Preschool Package is your guide to preschool programming. It offers tools to design, implement, and continue to improve quality preschool programs for children aged three to six years and their families, as well as to support the transition into primary classes. 

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