Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources, Trainings, Webinars, and Presentations

Primer Hands On-Child Welfare Training

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Georgetown University

Primer Hands On-Child Welfare is a capacity enhancement initiative for leaders involved in building systems of care for children, youth and families involved, or at risk for involvement, in the child welfare system. Included in this set is the complete curriculum and the companion document, Building Systems of Care: A primer for child welfare.  

The objectives of the curriculum are to strengthen the knowledge base and skills of system builders to operate strategically in system building by: 

  1. Providing them with a strategic framework for system building;
  2. Strengthening their knowledge of the functions that require structure in systems of care and the elements of effective system building processes; and
  3. Strengthening critical thinking about the pros and cons of various system building approaches for children, youth and families involved, or at risk for involvement, in the child welfare system.

The components of Primer Hands On-Child Welfare curriculum include: 

  • A skill building curriculum adapted from Primer Hands On: Skill Building in Strategy for System of Care Leaders, which is a training curriculum based on the organizing framework and strategic approach to building systems of care that is described in Building Systems of Care: A Primer;
  • Trainer’s notes, to guide trainers in use of the curriculum;
  • PowerPoint slides to be used throughout the entire curriculum; and
  • An ongoing network for peer support and technical assistance linked via LISTSERV.

The training modules cover the following topics:

  • Module 1–Purpose and Organization of Primer Hands On-Child
  • Module 2–Context: System Building Definitions, History, Values, Principles and Characteristics
  • Module 3–Process and Structure in System Building
  • Module 4–Cross-Cutting, Non-Negotiable Characteristics: Family/Youth Partnership and Cultural/Linguistic Competence
  • Module 5–Planning, Governance and System Management
  • Module 6–Outreach and Engagement, Organized Pathways to Service/Supports; Screening, Assessment and Evaluation; and Service/Support Planning; De-Brief Day One and “Heads Up” for Day Two
  • Module 7–Service Array and Financing
  • Module 8–Provider Network, Natural Supports; Purchasing and Contracting
  • Module 9–Care Management, Utilization and Quality Management
  • Module 10–Brief Introduction to and Discussion of Other Functions (e.g., Human Resource Development, External and Internal Communication, Training and Technical Assistance, etc.); De-Brief; Instructions for List Serve; Wrap Up


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