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Save the Children International
This framework supplements existing Save the Children tools and literature on CAAFAG programming by focusing on addressing child recruitment and use (prevention and response) within a broader programmatic lens of adolescents’ wellbeing in the MEEE region, applying a longer-term nexus approach that spans humanitarian, recovery and peacebuilding efforts.5The framework is a child-centred, multi-sectoral approach which seeks to reflect the voices of adolescent boys and girls in relation to what they have told us is important for their own wellbeing and which has a strong emphasis on community-based and locally-driven approaches and partnerships. The five-year timeline is deliberately ambitious, based on the growing global numbers of protracted and recurring conflict (evidenced also in the Middle East region) and the potential for re-recruitment within that. The framework recognises that whilst challenges remain with securing longer-term funding, it is critical that all funding contributes towards this longer-term vision. Objective of the Framework: To provide a suite of multi-sectoral, multi-level activities that contribute to prevention and response to child recruitment and use throughout a period of five years, within a framework that strengthens our measurement of change in adolescents’ wellbeing overall.
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