Prescription to Play (P2P): Endline study thumbnail
Study: Evaluations

Prescription to Play (P2P): Endline study

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Save the Children Bhutan,Save the Children International

This report underlines the key findings from the Prescriptions to Play (P2P) project endline study. The study demonstrates that integrating playful parenting and responsive care into the package of interventions delivered by the Ministry of Health in Bhutan, is a feasible, effective, and potentially scalable approach. Phase 1 of P2P was effective in strengthening the capacity of the health work force to promote playful parenting and responsive caregiving through individual and group sessions with caregivers. By participating in these sessions, caregivers became better equipped and motivated to provide their children with a healthier, playful and overall enriched early learning environment. These results were achieved in spite of multiple implementation challenges and supply- and demand-side constraints that led to a lower dosage of the intervention for a large proportion of caregivers. Therefore, we are confident that larger impacts on caregiver outcomes and early childhood development are to be expected once the program be is delivered at the recommended dosage of sessions.
The study utilized mixed methods approach to evaluate the fidelity and effectiveness of the program in Bhutan. It integrates data from a number of qualitative and quantitative research studies carried out to assess the quality of implementation and the impact of the program on health assistant knowledge and delivery, caregiver practices and child outcomes.

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