Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Poster on the ‘10 tips for protecting your children during crisis’ [Arabic]

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Save the Children

A poster on the ‘10 tips for protecting your children during crisis’ . This material has been prepared by Save the Children as part of their emergency response to the recent civil unrest in Egypt. The 10 tips are:

  1. Encourage collective activities at home;
  2. Seek professional help for any change seen in the behavior of the child;
  3. Turn off TV so that children do not watch violent news;
  4. Listen to children with attention;
  5. Comfort children by ensuring you will be there for them;
  6. Allocate more time for your children;
  7. Ensure your child returns to routine life;
  8. Expect what is unexpected: different children react differently;
  9. Watch your own behavior and how it affects children;
  10. and, Be the model!

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