
Pocket Guidance on Conducting a Gender Sensitive Rapid Needs Assessment for the Protection of Girls and Boys on the Move

Publication year:


English, Spanish,French


PDF (187.9 KiB)


Save the Children,Save the Children Spain

This pocket guidance aims to provide field staff of Save the Children’s Country Offices with guidance on how to implement a rapid child protection needs assessment for girls and boys on the move with a gender-sensitive approach. This guidance should be always adapted and contextualised to the specific circumstances of work of the Country Office, and used with the support of respective Child Protection – and if available – Gender Technical Advisors.

This guidance wants to support field teams in identifying the scale of child protection and gender-based violence (GBV) risks and needs, the priority geographical areas of intervention, and the existing capacity on which to construct your response. It can be adapted and used for both development and humanitarian contexts, to different stages of the migration and displacement processes, and in urban, semi-urban, rural and camp settings.

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