Policies, Standards, and Strategies

Pledge for Change 2030

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Pledge for Change

The Pledge recognises a changing world, and particularly one where International NGOs are increasingly working with national and local organisations worldwide to respond to crises and improve their communities. The Pledge reflects an acknowledgement of the unequal power dynamics in the development and aid sectors and the need to ensure a fairer future, and particularly the role INGOs must play in ensuring global south civil society and communities continues to grow and flourish.

The pledge builds on previous commitments made by our sector, for example the Charter for Change and the Grand Bargain, in pursuit of the Global Goals agreed by world leaders in 2015. While those initiatives focus on the role of INGOs, the pledge emphasizes the part to be played by local organizations and the rights, needs and priorities of local communities. You can find more information about the pledge here.

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