Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Partnership Defined Quality Facilitation Guide

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Save the Children

Save the Children developed and tested the “Partnership Defined Quality” (PDQ) methodology in 1996 in response to learning that providers and communities had different definitions and priorities for quality of care. The methodology was expanded and piloted in Nepal, Haiti, Pakistan, Uganda, Rwanda, Azerbaijan, the West Bank, Georgia, and Ethiopia.

In January, 2003, Save the Children published the PDQ manual: Partnership Defined Quality: a tool book for community and health provider collaboration for quality improvement, which was designed as implementation guide and toolkit for field use. This facilitation guide is designed as a training supplement for the PDQ manual. The guide will enable the facilitator to conduct a PDQ training that will enhance the participants’ understanding of when and how PDQ can be used to strengthen quality and access, and equip them with the skills necessary to adapt and implement PDQ in their programmes.

Each section offers guidance on facilitation techniques along with a set of suggested exercises, handouts, PowerPoint presentations, and other learning tools.

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