Participatory Action Research on Online Safety and Resilience thumbnail

Participatory Action Research on Online Safety and Resilience

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Thailand

Stateless and undocumented indigenous, ethnic, and migrant children in rural Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, Thailand, including those with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, are at heightened risk of sexual exploitation due to the prevalence of sex trafficking and online abuse in these areas. To address these vulnerabilities, Save the Children’s ROAR project empowered migrant and refugee youth to protect themselves against online exploitation through youth-driven research, development of safety tools, and advocacy efforts. Building on its success, the program, with support from Westpac Group’s Safer Children, Safer Communities program, will expand to new areas in northern Thailand, engaging Thai government public schools and local communities to implement youth-led solutions to combat sexual exploitation and strengthen advocacy at both national and ASEAN levels.

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