Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Package of Health and Nutrition Activities of the Albarka Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA)

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English, Français


PDF (10.3 MiB)


Save the Children Mali,Save the Children US

The document provides an overview of the Albarka Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA), funded by USAID, which aims to improve food security and community resilience in conflict-affected areas of Mali. It emphasizes health and nutrition interventions focused on the critical “first 1,000 days” from pregnancy to a child’s second birthday. Mother-to-Mother (MtM) groups and Husband Schools play key roles in promoting infant and young child feeding (IYCF), hygiene, and maternal health through social and behavior change initiatives. Community participation is central, with nutrition-sensitive interventions such as cash transfers, agriculture support, and hygiene practices aimed at reducing malnutrition. The project also includes innovative approaches like community meals and the Cost of the Diet (CotD) methodology to ensure access to nutritious food.

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