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Right to play
Right To Play is a global organization that protects, educates, and empowers children to rise. We work with children in some of the most difficult and dangerous places on earth, helping them to stay in school and graduate, to resist exploitation and overcome prejudice, to prevent disease, and to heal from war and abuse.
For more than 20 years, we have delivered programs with impact in both development and humanitarian contexts. As pioneers in a unique approach to learning, both inside and outside of the classroom, we harness play, one of the most fundamental forces in a child’s life, to help children dismantle barriers and embrace opportunities. We are the only global development organization focused exclusively on using the power of play to transform children’s lives.
We reach 2.3 million children each year in 15 countries around the world. By collaborating with teachers/coaches, governments, communities, and parents, we unlock children’s potential, enabling them to make positive and healthy choices to create better futures for themselves, their families, and their societies.
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