
Our Voices. Our Rights.

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Save the Children New Zealand

Save the Children New Zealand and UNICEF New Zealand have worked together to achieve global goals for children.

Yet meaningful change only comes from having everyone around the table, most importantly children and young people themselves. That is why this report is so important – written and produced by Aotearoa New Zealand young people; it reflects their hopes, concerns and ideas.

The United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, summed it up well when he described young people as the torch bearers – the people who will carry these aspirations into the future. But it is not just this responsibility that demands their place at the table, it is because their experiences, insights and ideas enrich the conversation. And this report tells us there is much to talk about.

The report highlights serious issues, but also acts as a beacon, clearly showing the steps we can take to improve the lives of children and young people in Aotearoa New Zealand. Save the Children and UNICEF call on Government and all parts of society to take the time to read and understand the messages of this report. They urge you, in whatever capacity you have, to talk about the issues and act on the recommendations in the report.

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