
Our Rights in a Digital World: A Report on the Children’s Consultations to inform UNCRC General Comment 25

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5Rights,Western Sydney University

In an effort to activate children’s right to participate in the decision making that impacts their lives and ensure that General Comment 25 responds to their experiences, the drafting process was driven by an extensive consultation with children.

From May to September 2019, organisations around the world generously volunteered to run a total of 69 workshops with 709 children and young people to explore their experiences and perspectives on how digital technology impacts their rights, both positively and negatively. In order to learn from those children whose experiences are not always foregrounded, the consultation prioritised the participation of children in the global South and included children with diverse needs.

This report documents these insights of the 709 children and young people aged 9-22 years old in 27 countries on six continents, who contributed to the consultations to inform General Comment 25.

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