OCD Training of Facilitators in Yemen 2023 thumbnail
Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

OCD Training of Facilitators in Yemen 2023

Publication year:


Arabic, English


PPT (58.4 KiB)


Save the Children International,Save the Children Yemen

This training was provided in cooperation between Save the Children´s Humanitarian Leadership Center in the Middle East and Eastern Europe and the partnership unit at the Yemen country office.

Over the course of four days of training to enhance facilitation skills to conduct workshops to assess the organizational capabilities of partners, 36 participants from 20 different local partners were trained, including 13 women. The participants hold various positions in partner organizations including monitoring, evaluation, accountability, learning, managers and coordinators.

Through the training, participants learned how to facilitate and lead the organisational capacity self-assessment (OCA) process in their organizations, including the different stages and tools used in the organizational capacity and development processes, and how to put these skills into practical application through simulation and practice. This training aims to enhance the capacity of partners at the organizational level by enhancing their capabilities to evaluate, plan and implement their programs for organizational capacity development.


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