Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Capacity Strengthening  in Ethiopia (NSA CASE) Project Organizational Development Assessment thumbnail
Study: Assessments

Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Capacity Strengthening in Ethiopia (NSA CASE) Project Organizational Development Assessment

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Save the Children

The Organizational Development Assessment (ODA) is part of the nutrition structure and human resources capacity building activities of the Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Capacity Strengthening
in Ethiopia (NSA CASE) Project. The main objective of the ODA was to assess the status and organizational development needs of the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) in operationalizing the NSAS and mainstreaming nutrition into sectoral strategies and programs. Findings obtained from the ODA will allow the MOA and the NSA CASE project team to design and implement key organizational development interventions to be able to discharge the roles and responsibilities and contribute to the achievement of the national nutrition targets and goals. The findings will guide the systems and capacity strengthening activities 10 of the NSA CASE project. The assessment findings will also serve as a reference document for donors and organizations working on NSA as they determine financial and technical supports needed for program design and implementation.

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