Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Policies, Standards, and Strategies

Nutrition Guidelines and Standards for Safeguarding Schoolchildren and Adolescents’ Right to Food

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FAO, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

Nutrition guidelines and standards for school food programmes can improve the quality, quantity and adequacy of foods and meals available in schools. However, setting these can be an intensive process and not all countries have the information, time or resources to do it.

The project “Nutrition guidelines and standards for safeguarding schoolchildren and adolescents’ right to food” aims to develop a global methodology to design nutrition guidelines and standards for school food, which will initially be piloted in Cambodia and Ghana at subnational level. Additional tools and measures will also be developed to complement the nutrition guidelines and standards, thus enhancing their impact, ensuring their effectiveness and facilitating their integration in national policy and legal frameworks.

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