
Note for Implementing and Operational Partners by UNHCR and Save the Children-UK on Sexual Violence & Exploitation: The Experience of Refugee Children in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone

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Save the Children International

‘Note for Implementing and Operational Partners by UNHCR and Save the Children-UK on Sexual Violence & Exploitation: The Experience of Refugee Children in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone based on Initial Findings and Recommendations from Assessment Mission 22 October – 30 November 2001.’ This report looks at the nature and extent of sexual violence and exploitation of refugee children and other children in the countries of the Mano River Sub Region in West Africa. This publication suggests that sexual violence and exploitation of children appears to be extensive in the communities visited and involves actors at all levels, including those who are engaged to protect the very children they are exploiting – UN staff, security forces, staff of international and national NGOs, government officials, and community leaders. The assessment focuses on the following areas:

• The problems of sexual violence and exploitation – by humanitarian agency staff, security forces and others;

• Factors contributing to sexual violence and exploitation

• Consequences of sexual violence and exploitation for refugee children.

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