Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Normes Minimales de l’Éducation en Situations d’Urgence: RDC Nord-Kivu

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Save the Children

The Minimum Standards in Education for North Kivu express a commitment to ensure that children and youth in the Province can have access to a relevant, safe, and quality education.

Based on the INEE Minimum Standards, this document aims to effectively define the best educational practices in terms of quality and of inclusion in North Kivu Province. These minimum standards are part of a pilot project and will be subject to update according to the evolution local context, but also progress on the new educational policy 2016-2025.

This tool was developed by national education authorities and DRC and North Kivu provinces, NGOs, UN agencies, experts in education, the representatives of the Education Cluster of North Kivu, and members of civil society in a process led by Save the Children International and Unicef, facilitated by INEE.

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