Nigeria Governance Programs: Improving Local Governance and Ensuring the Participation of Young People thumbnail
Case Studies and Success Stories

Nigeria Governance Programs: Improving Local Governance and Ensuring the Participation of Young People

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Nigeria

Since 2001, Save the Children has engaged in extensive programming across the health, nutrition, education, and protection sectors, tailoring interventions to the complex socio-cultural landscape of Nigeria. Save the Children’s initiatives in Nigeria reflect a commitment to addressing these challenges through a multi-sectoral approach that enhances governance, civic participation, and inclusivity. Save the Children Nigeria strengthens local governance by enhancing civil society capabilities and fostering participatory mechanisms for children and youth. These approaches aim to create a more inclusive and responsive governance framework across Nigeria. Our initiatives work from the community to the national level to advocate for the rights and protection of children and young people as showcased in programs funded by USAID, the UK, Norway, GSK, and the Netherlands.

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